My right leg had minimal scaring from past surgeries, and the skins quality was fairly normal. The amputation went smoothly. I got my stitches out after a month, and started walking after 2. Right after my first day of walking the tingling sensation from my nerves (which is normal after amputation and usually controlled with meds) vanished. I haven't had any issues with that leg.
My left leg was severely scarred, and the skin was very thin and of poor quality with a bone jutting out under my knee (I call it my pop-out bone.) before surgery. This was due to multiple operations, and limb lengthenings. Immediately after surgery I experienced very mild pain. This was actually just from the cast keeping my knee straight. A few days later, after the cast had been removed, I started having shooting, pin pricking like pains throughout my leg. The nerve meds weren't controlling it so I resorted to pain killers which gave me mild relief for a couple hours at a time. After my meds being repeatedly upped, without much change, my doctor decided I'd benefit from seeing a pain specialist, however, I found a solution before my appointment (which was scheduled a month out from the time I booked it :/ ). Behold, the back massager. Because the pains were sporadic, I thought maybe constant over stimulation would help. The back massager (Thanks Brookstone!) caused my leg to maintain a constant tingle for about 10 minutes after a 2 minute session. You'd think the constant tingle would be annoying, but compared to sharp pains that hit you by surprise, its heaven. I was at least able to relax and fall asleep at night which I hadn't been able to do in almost 2 months. It was finally time to start the process of getting my prosthetic. We knew the pop-out bone would be an obstacle but I was assured it could be worked around. After receiving my "leg" and wearing it for a few hours, the skin over the pop-out bone was clearly damaged. On the plus side the tingles were reduced almost immediately. I had a modification made to the brace, let the skin heal a bit, and then tested it out again. This time the skin over the bone formed a blister which then proceeded to spew yellow ooze, and a new spot, right above the bone had been irritated. Another modification. Some more down time. I start walking again. This time, success! No further irritation to the pop-out bone. However, upon walking more, I start having a problem with the right side of the socket being too tight, and hurting my skin. A small part of the scar from the amputation is slightly irritated too, but I chalk that up to just walking too much. It doesn't really look like anything to be worried about. Another modification made, and the right side feels great. No more skin hurting. Start walking again. This new spot on my scar has now blistered. It too oozes yellow grossness. Another modification. I stay off of it for a day or 2, and then try walking again. This time the blister turns bloody. I go back to see if we need another modification but I'm not making ANY contact on the point. It seems just the walking is enough to stretch the already irritated skin, and further the injury. So heres where we're at now. I'm supposed to stay out of the brace for 4-5 days to let it scab up a bit, and then try walking again. I'll be updating.